The festive season and future event dates

We are looking forward to seeing you over the festive break; the following are our opening times during this period.  

Xmas Eve  11am - 12pm
Xmas Day  12noon - 3 pm (Closed Evening)
Boxing Day  12noon - 12midnight (Brunch Menu from 12 - 4 pm)
New Years Eve - 11am-5pm & 7pm-1am (Closed between 5pm and 7pm)
New Years Day - 12noon - 11pm (Brunch Menu from 12 - 4pm)


We are also kick-starting the year with some fantastic events for you. More details to follow, but here are the dates for your diaries: 

Quiz Night on Wednesday 11th January

Folk Night Saturday  28th January 

Valentines Event (inc. live music and food) Saturday. 18th Feb.

Once again we look forward to seeing you and would like to thank you for your support throughout 2016. Bring on 2017!